Thursday, December 11, 2008

Walking On A Dream Remixes

Man my stomach is kiiiilling me. I feel like such shit.

Anyway, not much has been happening. I had some fairly successful jam sessions last night. Once in a while it really seems like things sort of come together.

Here are some awesome remixes of Walking on a Dream, possibly the best song of 2008. Here's the best one I've come across, I'll add some more at the bottom of the post.

Electro music totally found some real, positive styles this year. I was afraid all that guido techno trash was going to completely overshadow all the good stuff that Aphex Twin, BOC, and others had put out over the past 10 years or so.

I think for me once I heard Untrue by Burial I knew we were onto something. That album really encompased the whole DIY aspect of electronic music, with overt and covert sampling, danceable beats and genuine heady lyrics/imagery. Along with that was the remix boom which has been helped along immensely by the internet. So many bands like Crystal Castles, Four Tet, Justice, etc. started doing all these sick remixes of each other and everyone else. They're all online and they're all free. It's amazing. So anyway, here are a few more remixes of Walking on a Dream from people I've never heard of:

Oh and just for kicks, here's an old remix I made a while ago. I'm pretty sure no one reads this, and if they do, they've probably already heard this song, but I'll post it anyway.

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